Dr. Bob's Jazz - Benefit Boppin' Quartet - JBBQ
IN THE LIGHT DAWNING - Of Hope for Serenity
(EP - 6:23) Charles Dickens once wrote, “It was the best...the worst of times.” Sadly, worst times resonate most loudly again for countless persons worldwide. From war to pandemic to deprivation, etc., JBBQ humbly offers this heartfelt song balm.
If you've ever experienced an intense romantic relationship, then you know that BEING IN LOVE is (arguably) the very best place to be in all of the world!
HEARTBEATS OF LOVE - Valentine Rendition
HEARTBEATS OF LOVE - Valentine Rendition (aka: HEARTBEATS De l'amour) is a Universal World Love Song for the one you love forever...and after...and more... (Song Mastering by Tony pianoman.one).
FANTASIZE - To Vesna Zafirovic
A Smooth Jazz Song for VESNA ZAFIROVIC - an original JBBQ Band member. She is a great Musician/Humanist/Animal Lover; also has acclaimed Music success with "Du Du Ah" of Serbia & Music/Art/Photography on SoundClick, Facebook, Myspace, Etc. SEE STORY
There are few life experiences more profound and touching than passing INTO DAWN'S EARLY LIGHT...This song captures some of the emotive feelings most musicians know after an all nighter...and others experience from a timeless nocturnal fete...